Is Hair Replacement Right for Me?

Hair replacement, also known as non-surgical hair replacement, has come a long way, especially within the last four years.

Back in the day, hair replacement companies were trying to charge in excess of £1,000s for hair systems. However, now that competition in this field has increased, they have become a little more affordable. Having said this, there are still some companies out there that are still trying to charge excess amounts for a hair system.

Hair replacement for men has become increasingly popular, with more acknowledgement of the process on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, as well as being televised and hair replacement clients appearing on TV shows like First Dates.

Is hair replacement right for me?

During consultations, we never persuade, pressure or force anyone into going down the route of wearing a hair system. Hair replacement is not right for everyone; even if you want hair, the concept still may not work well for you or your lifestyle.

Many clients take to it immediately and love seeing themselves with hair, but some need more time to become accustomed to seeing themselves with a full head of hair. Their eyes have not yet adjusted, and some simply cannot come to terms with their new hair or seeing themselves with hair.

Wearing a hair system does not have to be hard, but it does require management, maintenance, care and attention. Issues like lifting can arise, or slight itchiness or irritations.

All these issues can be rectified within a few months of wearing, as we would need to adjust the bonds or adhesives in order to find the right attachment suitable for you and your lifestyle.

Hair systems also do not last forever. Hair falls out over time, and the colour of the hair can fade. With colour fading, the hair is made from 100% human hair, so it can be dyed like you would dye your own hair.

As consultants, it is difficult for us to know whether you will be able to adapt to wearing a hair system or not. Sometimes it is just a case of trying, and the worst-case scenario is, if it is not for you, to simply take it off and grow back your hair; but at least the mere thought of it will now be gone from your mind, so you can focus on other things.

Of course, many clients are very happy and say it’s the best thing they ever did.

People ask me if I am glad, I wear a hair system. The simple answer is: “I would be glad if I had my own hair, but since I do not, and do not suit a bald head, this is the next best thing for me, and the best option for me, as opposed to a hair transplant, which would never give me a full head of hair.”

I hope the above can help you when it comes to determining whether wearing a hair system or hair piece might be the right option for you 😉

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